Well ADE realy put on a great meeting , First up a breif chat about taking on Jacobsen turf Equipment which is a huge task , but i am sure Tim and his team are capable of getting Jacobsen back into the turf industry market .
Then we had Tim McCarthy from EPG Engines , Tim took us through the new Fuel injected Kohler twin . This motor has the latest computers that can store so much imformation that will make it a pleasure to work on and service . With the computer program you can plug your lap top into it and gives you everything except a happy ending , well maybe it does that to who nows .Next year we will arrange a full day on a Kohler .
Ray Duffy from Tru-Turf took the floor and went through all process building greens rollers , a lot more work goes into designing and building these machines . Ray is a wealth of information when it comes to greens rollers . This was a great session and a lot a questions where answered about old rollers and new machines that look great .
I would also like to mention Ray Grech took the floor and as is the norm ray did his thing .I dont no how he does it but this guy stores so much knowledge i swear he cant sleep at night . Ray also talked about ADE and Jacobsen and got some pretty good feed back from 20 Turf techs that came to the meeting . Once again i would like to thank Tim , Noel and the team for putting on the day .
Cheers John Angliss